Organic Farming Apprenticeships in Florida

organic farming

Organic Farming Apprenticeships on Sweetwater Organic Community Farm in Florida

Sweetwater Farm is a non-profit, community-supported urban organic farm and educational center located in the Town n’ Country area of Tampa (just northwest of TIA).  Through our hands-on programs, visitors of all ages practice appropriate land stewardship and master sustainable agriculture techniques. Established in 1993, we are a true urban organic farm nestled right in the middle of the city with easy access to all of Tampa’s offerings.

Organic Farming Apprenticeships: Our Apprentices work seasonally from September/October through the end of April/May growing certified organic vegetables, herbs, and flowers for our Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program and our on-site Sunday Market.  Bending, lifting, and carrying bins of produce are part of the daily routine.  Apprentices will work closely with and learn from our Farmers.

Sweetwater recruits 3-4 Farm Apprentices each season to dig right in and learn the basics of sustainable farming through our full-time hands-on program.  Our Apprentices live on farm property in our Apprentice house (which also serves as our Education Center) and receive a stipend of $100 a week and of course, plenty of fresh organic veggies.  Each Apprentice will have their own private sleeping area, and will share a common area that includes a full kitchen, bathroom with shower, and living area with an enclosed porch.  The house has Wi-Fi for internet access and all utilities are included.  Apprentices work with our Farmers 40-45 hours for 5 days of the week (including weekends).

The following is a list of skills you will be introduced to over the course Organic Farming Apprenticeship:

Animal Care                                                                Pest Identification and Management

Land/infrastructure Maintenance                                Field Fertility

Market and Special Event set-up                                Harvesting Technique

Irrigation installation and repair                                  Post-Harvest process and storage

Green House/Hardening Shed                                                CSA share set-up and maintenance

Seeding                                                                       Record Keeping

Planting                                                                       Organic Certification operations and protocol

Weed Management                                                     Compost Production

Volunteer Management

Check out our website for more information about all of our programs:

If you are self-motivated, friendly, eager to learn, have a solid work ethic, and want to pursue Organic Farming Apprenticeships with Sweetwater for the 2016-2017 Season, please email Yvette Rouse, Executive Director at for more info.

3 Comments on Organic Farming Apprenticeships in Florida

  1. Interesting, stipend of $100 a week and of course, plenty of fresh organic veggies.

  2. please reply me to study organic farming short course.

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