Animal Husbandry Manager Job in California

Child Fence GoatHidden Villa Animal Husbandry Manager Job Description - February 2015

Location: Los Altos Hills, California

Working Hours:  This is a full time, salaried exempt position with variable 8-hour days, seasonal variations due to animal life cycles, and rotating weekend duties.

Position Description:  The Animal Husbandry Manager oversees the care of Hidden Villa’s animals, while providing maximum access and educational opportunities for Hidden Villa programs. This is a residential position that includes a 2 bedroom on-site home, and the responsibility to be on-call for property needs on rotating weekends.


This is a full time, exempt position with salary DOE. Hidden Villa provides a benefit package that includes vacation and sick leave; medical, dental, acupuncture/chiropractic and retirement benefits. This is a residential position that includes a 2 bedroom on-site home, and the responsibility to be on-call for property needs on rotating weekends.  Hidden Villa is a nonsmoking environment. Salary range: $35-43K. Start date for this position is April 2015; moving into residence, May 1, 2015.


Care for cows, goats, pigs, sheep and chickens, including animal healthcare, feed ordering and ration creation, breeding, rotational grazing, and meat, milk and egg production.

Administer the animal program, including budgets, record keeping.

Produce Weekly Animal Notes every Friday, attend meetings and meet management deadlines, including an annual plan and budget.

Train and supervise the Animal Husbandry Intern, camp staff, volunteers and ranch hands to perform animal maintenance tasks and run the farmers market.

Effectively market pork, lamb, egg, and chicken sales through use of a developed email list, on farm sales, restaurant sales, and farmers market stand.

Educate the staff, interns, and customers through Monday Intern Classes, Community Programs, Summer Camp, H.V. Environmental Education Program (HVEEP) and Youth Development.

Work with program staff to develop programs, meet regularly with the HVEEP and Camp Farm Liaisons to maintain open communication and keep program goals on target.

Support the hosting of development outreach and cultivation events and programs that highlight Hidden Villa’s sustainable farming methods and products.

Maintain and improve the animal facilities, including barns, fences, gates, irrigation systems, etc., in cooperation with the Property Department.

Operate tools and heavy machinery necessary for the Animal Program, including tractors, trucks, animal trailers, milking machines, etc.

Train and develop an intern specific to the Animal Husbandry department to become a confident and effective farmer upon leaving Hidden Villa.

Performance Appraised by:  Director of Facilities


Please mail, fax or e-mail your resume listing your relevant experience with cover letter explaining your interest in the position to: Personnel, Hidden Villa, 26870 Moody Road, Los Altos Hills, CA 94022, fax 650-948-4159, E-mail

After an initial phone interview, references and a working interview will be required. For more information about Hidden Villa, please see

Hidden Villa is committed to diversity in our workplace and our programs. We do not discriminate on the basis of any protected class.

Core Competencies – Measurable Goals and Behaviors

All Hidden Villa staff are expected to demonstrate competency and positive attitude in regard to being:

A Team Player – and will work well with other staff, collaborating proactively when the situation warrants and responding positively to requests to work with others.

Customer-Oriented – and will be attentive and responsive to ‘customer’ concerns, responding quickly and cheerfully to requests and problems and provide appropriate follow up.  Customers are defined as all Hidden Villa users and participants as well as staff.

Committed to Quality – and will consistently produce high quality work, respecting Hidden Villa’s values, engage in positive relationship building with people from diverse backgrounds.

Adaptable – and will be capable of adapting to others and new situations; flexible; can handle multiple tasks while keeping the health and welfare of the animals foremost in mind.

Self-motivated / Enterprising – and will have inner drive and motivation; inner directed and not dependent on others.

 The Hidden Villa Agricultural Mission: To produce the best quality vegetables, fruits, meat and eggs for local markets and to serve as an educational resource by modeling sustainable, organic practices that minimize outside inputs, promote biodiversity, honor labor, value animal welfare, and respect the capacity and wildness of our land.

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