Biodynamic Farming Internship on Italy’s Amalfi Coast

Project Villa Letizia is a 17thc family complex on Italy’s beautiful Amalfi Coast, sited in a terraced landscape overlooking the sea in the heart of the village of Praiano.  The Villa regularly hosts scholarly artistic and photography residents and houses a small collection of contemporary art.  The property has always been a working organic farm, and is currently under restoration.    We are seeking a qualified intern for three months from June 1 through August 31, 2011 to help implement and maintain the garden restoration.  The long term goal of the project is to restore the property as a working farm in a unique cultural context, to support local organic agriculture, to integrate the use of local seasonal produce in our rich culinary tradition, and to preserve and document traditional biodynamic practice. Description: The intern in will be guided by a part time project manager and an experienced part time biodynamic farmer to whom s/he will report. The daily tasks include the exterior maintenance of all common spaces and maintenance of the gardens and farmland. There will be a culinary intern living on site in the same period, but training in a local kitchen.  The culinary intern will help with daily chores and food preparation as their work schedule allows.


The garden intern will provide the main support for the maintenance of the grounds, garden and farmland.  The garden intern may collaborate with the culinary intern when on site to integrate the use of local organic products in cooking.  The project offers an exceptional opportunity to integrate into the life of an Italian village, learning ancient techniques of biodynamic food production, preparation, preservation and convivium. You will meet peers in a small setting, share skills and inspire an appreciation and respect for agricultural traditions.  A special project is encouraged, such as documenting traditional agricultural practice or taking an oral history.


Specific garden intern tasks include:

Planting, weeding, watering, cultivation, harvesting and post harvest preservation of fruits and vegetables.


Assisting in promoting soil fertility, crop rotation, garden planning, pruning, irrigation, pest and disease management.


Compost building and application.


Daily maintenance of all common exterior spaces including sweeping, hosing and white washing as necessary.


Maintaining a daily work log.


Other duties as assigned.

Qualifications: Work experience in organic farming. Degree in natural sciences, horticulture or a related field preferred. A strong interest in the culture and history of Italy and cucina Italiana. Candidates with a basic proficiency in Italian will be given preference. Physical strength, maturity, an intense work ethic, motivation and independence necessary. Due to the site conditions, all work is done by hand.  There are no mechanized farm tools with the exception of a small rototiller.  Strength and stamina are a must.  Ability to lift 50 to 75 lbs, manage a wheelbarrow and use all garden hand tools a must. Experience in an international context preferred. Love of life, food, family and tradition, plus curiosity, sense of adventure and of humor is a plus!


Compensation: Spartan quarters, $300 monthly food allowance plus all you can eat from the garden. A round trip ticket from the East coast or a contribution of same value from an alternate location. Candidate must agree to a liability waiver and have current health insurance. To apply send CV, an up to two-page cover letter that includes a brief description of how your skills, interests and experience are a good match for this project; contact information for two references. Application deadline April 15, 2011 to


Final candidates will be interviewed in person or via skype.

3 Comments on Biodynamic Farming Internship on Italy’s Amalfi Coast

  1. Christian LaVigna // February 23, 2012 at 11:44 am // Reply

    Cara Villa Letizia,

    I enjoyed looking at your beautiful website photo. My son’s High School requires an internship program from May 7th 2012 to June 15+- 2012 and I am researching options for internships in Italy.

    He will be attending college in the US this fall as a student of architecture. He has taken four years of Italian language in High School and is a big fan of Italian culture and culinary arts. He is a very talented artist and loves the outdoors

    Please advise if there are any possibilities for my son to help on your farm during the time period shown above.

    Grazie mille,

    Chris LaVigna 203-947-4004 cell

  2. I am looking for an internship in Italy. How difficult to get it in Italy specially in the agriculture? I hope you will provide me some information regarding this matter.

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