Calling All Aspiring and Newbie Poultry Farmers

Calling All Aspiring and Newbie Poultry Farmers, 2013

Laying hens, broilers, turkeys and ducks are popular enterprises on a farm, particularly to complement a vegetable or fruit enterprise. But there are many challenges to raising poultry, not least of which is making it financially worthwhile for your farm. The Cornell Small Farms Program’s online course, BF 130: Poultry Production, can help you optimize your flock.

The course–taught by experienced farmers and Cornell Cooperative Extension educators–includes guest presenters, virtual farm tours, videos and more. You’ll learn the basic requirements for producing and profiting from chickens, ducks, and turkeys, as well as best practices for getting started, maintaining a healthy flock, choosing breeds, processing meat animals and eggs, and marketing your products.

BF 130 is 6 weeks long and begins on Wed. Oct 2, with live interactive webinars every Wed. evening fro 6:30-8pm EST throughout the course. Webinars are always recorded, so if you can’t attend them live you can watch them later. The course costs $200.

To learn more about each of our online courses, please visit From this site you can learn more about our instructors, see answers to Frequently Asked Questions, read details for each course, and view the calendar of course offerings for 2013-2014.

Courses often fill very quickly, so don’t miss your chance to sign up today!

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