Connecting Local Farms to Emergency Food Providers in NYC

Just Food’s Fresh Food for All program helps food pantries and other emergency food programs make fresh, nutritious, locally grown food available to families and individuals in need. Just Food works with 38 food pantries and soup kitchens in all 5 boroughs of New York City, connecting them with farmers, providing cooking demonstrations, and arranging farm visits to acquaint the staff and clients with their farmers and the local food system. Our partners include the Hunger Prevention Nutrition Assistance Program (HPNAP) of New York, the United Way of NYC, NYC emergency food programs, and rural family farmers.

Fresh Food for All has two models to connect local farms and organizations serving low-income communities:

1. Local Produce Link

2. Direct Purchasing

Are you a NYC soup kitchen, food pantry, or other type of institution serving low-income families? Would you like to get fresh vegetables from a local farm?  Click here to learn more.

Are you a farmer interested in growing vegetables for NYC food pantries and soup kitchens?  Click here to learn more and to find out how to apply.

Do you need emergency food?  If so, call the NYC Hunger Hotline at 1-866-888-8777 or contact the Food Bank for NYC at 212-566-7855.

Just Food has also produced a toolkit to share this model with other communities.  Find out more at:

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