Country of Origin Labeling Rule and Rural COOP Grants

USDA Publishes Country of Origin Labeling Final Rule: On Thursday, May 23, the USDA published the final rule amending the Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) regulations in the Federal Register.  A pdf version of the final rule is available here.  COOL was originally enacted in the 2002 Farm Bill and required retailers to notify customers of the country of origin of covered commodities.  Covered commodities include muscle cuts of beef, lamb, chicken, goat, and pork, as well as ground beef, ground lamb, ground chicken, ground goat, ground pork, wild and farm-raised fish and shellfish, perishable agricultural commodities, macadamia nuts, pecans, ginseng, and peanuts.  Read more…

Rural Coop Development Grants Available: The USDA Agricultural Marketing Service has announced the availability of $6.5 million as part of its Rural Cooperative Development Grant (RCDG) program.  The Notice of Funding Availability was published in the May 23 Federal Register.  The goal of RCDG is to improve the economic condition of rural areas through the use of cooperative development.  Grants are awarded competitively on an annual basis to Rural Cooperative Development Centers who in turn provide technical assistance to individuals and entities. Read more…

1 Comment on Country of Origin Labeling Rule and Rural COOP Grants

  1. Farmers Journal // June 28, 2013 at 12:01 pm // Reply

    Further understanding the impact a rural coop can have and its characteristics undoubtfully helps. Thanks for the article and hope to read from you again. Very valuable information Taylor.

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