Develop Your Farm Business Online Classes

Grow Your Farm Skills this Fall/Winter from the Comfort of Your Home!
The Cornell Small Farms Program and Cornell Cooperative Extension offer a menu of 12 online courses each Fall and Winter to help farmers develop their businesses. These 5- to 7-week online courses cost $200 total for up to 4 members of the same farm to attend. They are an amazing opportunity to discover new resources, build your farm plan, hear from successful farmers, and develop a support network of peers. Consisting of a weekly real-time webinar followed by readings, discussion forums, and homework on your own time, most students find they spend 3-6 hrs/week to dig into their course.

Learn which courses would be best for you, read about our team of experienced instructors, see answers to Frequently Asked Questions, and view the calendar of course offerings for 2013-2014.

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