Economics of Start-up Market Farm Crop Choices, Webinar

January 2012 Webinar–Assessing the Economics of Crop Choices on a Start-up Market Farm

The Missouri Beginning Farmers Program will continue in 2012 with its monthly webinars. January will begin with two webinars on “Assessing the Economics of Crop Choices on a Start-up Market Farm” with Eric and Joanna Reuter of Chert Hollow Farm. Chert Hollow Farm has been certified organic since 2009. They minimize off-farm inputs and rely heavily on low-overhead, low-impact, non-mechanized methods as they work to integrate their diversified operation. The Reuter’s sell their products through a farmers’ market, on-farm sales, CSA and restaurants.

When: Monday January 16th, 7-8:30 pm
To join the meeting: and sign in as a guest

When: Monday January 23rd, 7-8:30 pm
To join the meeting: and sign in as a guest

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