Educational Farm Apprenticeship in Virginia

Educational Farm Apprenticeship


Project GROWS is a youth-oriented, educational farm in the heart of the Shenandoah Valley. Our mission is to improve the overall health of children and youth in Staunton, Waynesboro, and Augusta Co. Project GROWS runs a 45 member CSA, sells at and manages two local farmers markets, has great relationships with area restaurants as well as working with over 3,000 youth annually.

We are looking for a motivated, passionate young farmer to help us empower our community by growing and tending to permaculture based, sustainably grown, hand crafted produce. This position is unpaid. We can offer a weekly supply of produce to staff and apprentice and would like to work with students to offer class credit. Whether they start their own farm or go on to work in public gardens, landscaping, school gardens or farm to table restaurants, apprentices gain a firm foundation and confidence to succeed and well grounded knowledge in market farming.

Goals of Apprenticeship

• To share the skills and knowledge involved in sustainable farming.
• To offer apprentices an example of a successful organic farm so that they can learn the cycles of the growing season, crop rotation, succession/companion planting, and market farming.
• To give apprentices first hand working knowledge with specific crops, so that they can have a solid foundation of farming experience.
• To support the hands on learning that comes through hard work in the fields with educational resources and leadership opportunities.
• To gain experience working with and facilitating youth groups at the farm.

Position starts: Spring
Ends: Aug/Sept

find out more info

COMPENSATION this position is UNPAID: college credit

Please email with a brief introduction and resume.

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