Farm Apprenticeships for 2015 in Vermont

Honeybee Production on the FarmCate Hill Orchard, in Greensboro, Vermont has two farm apprentice positions for the 2015 season. Cate Hill Orchard is a small diverse permaculture inspired family farm, with a 4 acre organic apple orchard, a flock of 40 East Friesian sheep, a 20-hive apiary, many small plantings of berries, nuts, and other fruits, a flock of chickens, and a few pigs.  Josh and Maria, the farm owners/managers make salves, apple cider,  apple cider vinegar, and raw, aged sheep cheese, which they sell on farm and at farmers markets.

The apprenticeship will start in mid April, and go for 3-6 months.  Apprentices are offered room, board, and a modest stipend  (approx. $50/wk after a 1 week trial period.)   Ideal apprentices will be a couple or a pair of friends, have their own vehicle, have a genuine interest in organic apple orchard management and/or organic sheep dairying, and love to sing.  (also love kids, be hardworking, dependable, easy to get along with, and love to wash dishes, etc etc)   Opportunity for on site carpentry or childcare work with paid hourly wage.

Farm work will include: vegetable gardening; taking care of animals (pigs, chickens, sheep); rotational grazing; weeding, mulching, fertilizing fruit trees and berry bushes; milking sheep; thinning apples; help with cheese making; help with beehives; farmers markets; harvesting wild medicinals; apple and berry picking.

Apprentices will have private rooms in Josh and Maria’s house.   For more information about their farm, visit their website:, or email them at  To apply for the position, please email a letter of interest by March 1.

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