Farm to School Bill Passes Wisconsin State Legislature, on its Way to the Governor’s desk

From the Michael Fields Agricultural Institute:

A huge THANK YOU to everyone who took a moment to call your legislators in support of Farm to School. It worked! Farm to School passed both the Assembly and the Senate with strong bipartisan support. If you are interested in how your legislators voted, you can look at the Assembly vote here, and the Senate vote here.

Now, legislators are just like the rest of us, and like to be thanked for the good things they do. It also can make them more likely to support these issues in the future.

Will you please take a moment to thank your legislators for their support if they voted for Farm to School? Even if you didn’t call your legislators before, they would love to get your thanks! To get their contact information, or to find out who your legislators are, go here.

Also, a tremendous thank you goes to Representative Amy Sue Vruwink, who championed this legislation, and Senator Julie Lassa who lead the effort in the Senate. They immediately saw the benefits of Farm to School programs to farmers, schools, and rural economies, and worked to expand Farm to School across the state. This effort was also a wonderful opportunity for the local foods community to work closely with many in the child nutrition community, most notably with Luke Rollins with the American Heart Association. This has been a great collaboration as groups and individuals across the state realized a unifying goal: getting healthy, local foods to Wisconsin’s children.

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