Farm to Table, Farmer Counselor, Farmer Veteran Jobs, NC

If you or someone you know is interested in fighting poverty by strengthening farms and rural communities, consider applying for one of the three VISTA Jobs at the Rural Advancement Foundation (RAFI)-USA. VISTA is a national service organization that provides a living allowance, modest benefits, and an education stipend at the completion of one year of service. Applications are due by August 31. Apply through the VISTA portal, The following three positions are open:

  • Come to the Table Project Help faith communities in North Carolina relieve hunger and support local farms through the Come to the Table project at RAFI. RAFI is a non-profit working to cultivate markets, policies and communities that support thriving, socially just and environmentally sound family farms. This position requires experience and comfort with diverse communities and faith traditions, including rural and low-income communities; writing, editing, and documentation skills; demonstrated dedication to community-led solutions; familiarity with issues in food security and agriculture; computer proficiencies in WordPress, multimedia, Web design, and Adobe CS a plus; reliable transportation and a valid drivers’ license; and event-planning experience. Spanish-language proficiency is a plus. Duties will include developing profiles of model ministries, providing technical assistance to low-resource projects, fielding requests for information, recruiting and engaging new membership in committees, and representing Come to the Table in state and local networks.
  • Farmer Counselor Network Save small family farms in financial crisis by helping RAFI develop a farmer-counselor network. RAFI is a non-profit working to cultivate markets, policies and communities that support thriving, socially just and environmentally sound family farms. The farmer-counselor network will provide financial planning assistance and counseling for the farmer to lenders and other agencies. This position requires knowledge of financial planning strategies, knowledge of sustainable agriculture and environmental farming practices, strong personal organization, strong written and verbal communication, and experience using MS Office software. Duties will include conducting a program evaluation of the farmer counselor program, developing database of prior clients, and developing a draft farmer-counselor manual.
  • NC Farmer Veteran Coalition Serve returning military veterans entering agricultural careers by helping RAFI develop a branch of the national Farmer Veteran Coalition. RAFI is a non-profit working to cultivate markets, policies and communities that support thriving, socially just and environmentally sound family farms. This position requires familiarity with veteran transition issues, knowledge of sustainable agriculture and environmental farming practices, knowledge of community organizing, strong personal organization, strong written and verbal communication, and experience using MS Office software. Military veterans are encouraged to apply. Duties will include assessing educational needs through surveys, organizing learning teams, developing a customized farmer veteran curriculum, and providing experiential learning opportunities.

Contact: Claire Hermann Come to the Table Project Coordinator/Communications Associate RAFI-USA (919) 542-1396 x207

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