Farmer Job at New Hampshire Farm Museum

Farmer Job: New Hampshire Farm Museum, a non-profit educational organization with a working farm located in Milton, NH  seeks a resident farmer/grower committed to organic agriculture.  They are looking for someone with at least two to three years of growing/farming experience with a strong interest in heirloom varieties of vegetables, heritage breeds of animals and farm based education.  The farmer position is a partnership between the Museum and farmer and viewed as a vital part of the NH Farm Museum’s operation and mission to preserve and present New Hampshire’s rural and agricultural heritage.  The farmer is responsible for overseeing farming/growing operations which can be expanded, supervising farm interns and volunteers and caring for a small flock of farm animals. The farmer performs occasional special farm tours.

The NH Farm Museum consists of two historic farmsteads on 50 acres of land on Plummer’s Ridge in Milton.  The museum has more than 3 acres of cultivated land for market gardening, with possibility for expansion, an established small CSA, a small orchard area and about 12 acres of pasture.  We seek someone with an interest in historic farming methods and a strong work ethic.  We offer a base salary of $1000. per month augmented by a 50 percent share of farm profits, food from the farm, along with free housing and utilities in an apartment  in our historic farmhouse.  The apartment is suitable for two adults.   The NH Farm Museum does not allow dogs on site. Position open until filled- must be able to start by May 1st or sooner. Check us out at

Please send resume and letter of interest to Kathleen Shea, Director NH Farm Museum PO Box 644, Milton NH 03851

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