Farmer Training Program Accepting 2012 Applications, Vermont

The University of Vermont Farmer Training Program has completed its First Season, and is now accepting applications for 2012 (Due by November 18th). Check out this 5 month Farmer Training Program.UVM Farmer Training Program 2012

Just last week the UVM Farmer Training Program graduated the first Farmer Training Program Cohort! They celebrated the hard work and accomplishments of the twelve students with inspiring words from Chuck Ross, a slideshow documenting the 5 month program and delicious food students made from the harvest. It was a lovely culmination to a momentous first season.

While they are sad to say goodbye to these students, they are inspired by what they plan to do. From running a diversified farm to starting a compost business to exploring urban farming in Chicago, this group of graduates is poised to take exciting next steps in sustainable farming.

As they move on to their next endeavor, they are gearing up for year two! They are accepting applications for the 2012 Farmer Training Program through November 18, 2011.

They are also proud to be highlighted in this Chronicle of Higher Education article about Farmer Training Programs.

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