Job and Internships at Rural Advancement Foundation

Information Specialist, Tobacco Communities Reinvestment Fund:

The Information Specialist will conduct field surveys/interviews and capture video documentation from participants in  grant-funded program to assist farmers and rural communities to develop new, alternative agricultural enterprises to replace lost tobacco income. The Information Specialist will compile this information into various formats for research reports, professional presentations and educational tools, and will also collect data from program archives and help coordinate related meetings and events.
This is a 15-month position with full-time hours. Deadline: August 25, 2010

Web Communication Intern: The intern will help develop educational material on the 2012 Farm Bill and other farm policy issues and assist with implementing the re-design of the organization’s Web site. Additional responsibilities may be assigned based on the intern’s interests and experience.
This is a 3-month, 10-hour/week position with a $250 stipend. Deadline: August 27, 2010

Green Conference Planning Intern: The intern will help organize the 2011 Come to the Table conference series, which equips people of faith in North Carolina to relieve hunger and support local farms. The intern will have the opportunity to work directly with leaders in local food, agriculture, hunger relief, and the faith community across North Carolina.
This is a seven-month, 10-15 hour/week position with a $1000 stipend. Deadline: August 27, 2010.

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