Job: Garden Manager at Farm-to-Fork Venue in Massachusetts

Job: Garden Manager at Farm-to-Fork Venue in Massachusetts, 2013 Harrington Farm is seeking a garden manager to for its fine dining event venue and retail/wholesale sales. The Garden Manager oversees all aspects of the multi acre vegetable garden, herb garden, ornamental gardens and other landscape. Harrington Farm Garden Manager is responsible for overall management and oversight of the gardens, the gardeners and the volunteers. The candidate should be a strong advocate of the garden, have project and people management skills and be an excellent communicator, both written and verbal. The manager will facilitate garden planning, planting, maintenance and harvest and guides the garden team in the development and maintenance of productive, aesthetically appealing gardens. For more details and how to apply click “read more”

Responsibilities include but are not limited to:


  • Lead and manage propagation and greenhouse work, soil fertility, composting, crop rotation, garden planning, pruning, irrigation, pest and disease management. Ensure that the gardens are kept clean and pristine.
  • Manage the garden and orchards at a level of production that ensures the supply ofample produce to the Harrington Farm kitchen and special events
  • Ensure that garden facilities and equipment are in safe and reliable working order, i.e.tool shed, greenhouse, barn, irrigation system, lawn mower, weed whacker, rototiller, hand tools, etc.
  • Work with a keen aesthetic of the program in mind, including planting ample annualflowers and maintaining the health of perennial ornamentals.
  • Share the responsibility of caring for the summer garden with Assistant andApprentice Garden Staff.
  • Maintain seed library to ensure genetic diversity of open pollinated plants and share/exchange with other garden projects


  • Guide staff through propagation, planting, cultivation, composting, andmaintenance of the garden, including creation and care of small garden structures
  • Provide consistent leadership; train and collaborate with the Assistant Garden Staff; train and supervise Apprentice Garden Staff, and facilitate weekly garden staff meeting
  • Mentor individual staff at work, model respect, curiosity for learning and encourage staffs interests and talents.
  • Model effective classroom management and the ability to approach discipline creatively
  • Hire and oversee training of externs; attend school trainings/event and ensure accurate record keeping and documentation.
  • Work with the General Manager to ensure that all of the beds are fully utilized, that all gardeners are in good standing (rules and regulations from the operating manual are followed) and new gardeners receive appropriate orientations.
  • In tandem with the General Manager, hire staff on an as needed basis.
  • Schedule and facilitate regular, individual check-ins with garden staff, to assure clarity of expectation and goals, and constructive feedback.
  • Develop and execute an annual operating plan for the garden, including the budget to be approved by the General Manager
  • Meet regularly with the Chef to coordinate plantings and harvests in tandem with seasonal business levels
  • Work closely with General Manager in the development of goals and ensure accurate dissemination of information to the garden team.
  • Participate in any Harrington Farm staff meetings,staff and program development meetings.
  • In tandem with the General Manager, maintain working knowledge of garden budget and budget management


  • Cultivate communication and relationships with Harrington Farm staff, extended community and, local businesses, neighbors and school educators.
  • Stay abreast of community events and activities.
  • As a member of the sustainable agriculture community,represent
  • Harrington Farm to the wider community, to include public speaking, attendance and/or participation in related meetings or conferences
  • Welcome Harrington Farm’s many visitors; be aware of media visits and give interviews; participate in NOFA events and community outreach
  • Ensure an engaging and rewarding experience for staff and volunteers; provide orientation to the garden
  • Document and develop tools to ensure dissemination Harrington Farm program information


  • The Garden Manager reports to the General Manager and collaborates with the entire management team at Harrington Farm.
  • Annual evaluations will be led by the General Manager Program to assess performance and establish goals.


  • Maintain a daily record of garden work, planting rotations, and manager log.
  • Contribute to the writing of marketing tools and materials, including but not limited to newsletters and manuals


  • Physically able to handle work in the gardens such as digging, lifting, bending, etc.
  • Minimum 3 years experience managing a farm or educational garden
  • Significant experience and success with managing and training staff
  • Strong interpersonal skills; ability to work well with staff and the publicwithin a wide range of situations.
  • bi-lingual a plus


  • Possession of a valid Drivers License and reliable transportation.


  • Season to begin end of March 2013.
  • Full time, seasonal position, compensation based on experience
  • Benefits package available


Please email your resume and letter of introduction:

John Bomba

Open Until Filled

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