Job: Horticulture Research Farm Superintendent, Kentucky

Job: Horticulture Research Farm Superintendent, 2013 The University of Kentucky is looking for a new farm superintendent for our Horticulture Research Farm. This position will include overseeing the day-to-day operations of our farm and facilities which includes  a number of units included research, extension and teaching activities related to fruits, vegetables, biofuels, viticulture, floriculture, greenhouses and high tunnels, and is the home of the UK Organic Farming Unit and CSA. This farm and facility is directly operated by our Horticulture department, and we are really looking for someone with a sustainable ag-oriented vision with some solid farming experience. The ideal candidate would have a Masters degree in a related field, the ability (or willingness to learn) to service and operate farm machinery and shop equipment, and several years of farm experience on a management or assistant management level.  This is a fairly high managerial position within our university farm system, but we are committed to finding the right person that is a good fit for managing the farm, our staff team, and coordinating with our researchers Responsibilities: This is a 12-month appointment in the Department of Horticulture (

Horticulture is a vibrant and growing sector of agriculture in Kentucky and around the world, offering high value crops for farmers, and nutritious fruit, vegetables and beautified landscapes for our communities. The Department of Horticulture has an emphasis on sustainable and organic horticulture, and is seeking to hire someone with outstanding farming, leadership and management skills to guide the development of our 100-acre research farm into an internationally recognized facility for sustainable horticulture research, extension, and education. This farm will facilitate multidisciplinary collaboration focused on investigating, demonstrating, and communicating sustainable agricultural practices and evaluating their potential to enhance community food systems and horticultural enterprises. The overarching goal is to provide state of the art facilities and an on-farm research environment that allows faculty, staff and students to make scientific breakthroughs that will help guide the evolution of horticulture production systems.

Responsibilities of this position will include managing farm staff and facilities, and overseeing daily operations on the farm, which encompasses a range of crops including fruits, vegetables, nuts, biofuels, floriculture and nursery crops. Additionally, this farm contains a 5-acre research vineyard, and a 25-acre certified Organic Farming Unit with a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program ( that is used as an experiential learning opportunity. The person occupying this position will report to the Chair of the Department of Horticulture.

Qualifications: Suitable candidates should have a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree and at least 4 years of experience in an agriculture-related field. The ideal candidate possesses outstanding farming, leadership and management skills, including a holistic knowledge of farm management, from conventional to organic systems, and demonstrated accomplishments in production agriculture. Candidates should possess interpersonal skills that facilitate working with a variety of audiences including faculty, staff, students, administrators, and the general public. Excellent oral and written communication skills, organizational skills, and a commitment to high-quality research, extension and education are required.

Salary and Fringe Benefits: Salary is highly competitive and is commensurate with qualifications and experience. A 403-B retirement plan and group health and life insurance are available. On-site housing and transportation will also be available.

Application: Applications for job # SM545749 must be submitted on line at If you have questions regarding the online application, contact HR/Employment at (859) 257-9555, extension 2. Application deadline is May 6, 2013. Screening of applicants will begin May 7, 2013 and continue until a suitable candidate is identified. The position is available June 1, 2013. In the online application candidates should submit a letter of interest (Cover Letter) that includes a farming philosophy statement, a recent curriculum vita (Resume), and the names and contact information for at least three references (Specific Request 1). The University of Kentucky is an equal opportunity employer and encourages applications from minorities and women.

Contact: Dr. Mark Williams, Chair

Search and Screening Committee

Department of Horticulture

N-322D Agricultural Science Bldg. North

University of Kentucky

Lexington, KY 40546-0091

(859) 257-2638

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