Mobile Poultry Processing Unit (MPPU) Updates and Events from Massachusetts

From the New Entry Sustainable Farming Project Greetings local poultry enthusiasts! Firstly, we want to encourage anyone interested in poultry to attend the Massachusetts Poultry Enhancement Council Meeting on March 25, which features a presentation by our own Jennifer Hashley. Here are the details: The Massachusetts Poultry Enhancement Council Meeting When: March 25, 5:30pm to 8pm Where: Oxford Free Public Library, Charles Larned Memorial 339 Main St., Oxford, MA 01540 Agenda: Poultry vaccination; handling, application and applicability. Poultry slaughter options; USDA or Mass. licensed. Open discussions of any Mass. poultry related issues (as time permits). All who have an interest in poultry are encouraged to attend. Phone contact: 508-987-6003

Secondly, a reminder for poultry producers planning to use the MPPU in 2010: if you haven’t started working on filling out your state slaughter license, don’t put it off! In order to allow yourself time to plan for the growing season, you should aim to send out your state slaughter license and contact your local board of health by the end of February.

If you missed the January 28th regulations workshop, you can catch up on what you missed by going over the Handbook for Small-Scale Poultry Producer-Processors (available here) or by watching video from the workshop at

If you get stuck – or if you’re having trouble getting started – feel free to call us (978-654-6745) or email or with questions. We’re here to help!

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