New and Beginning Farmers: Register for Young Farmers Conference ft. Wes Jackson and Fred Kirschenmann

Stone Barns is pleased to announce that registration for the 2009 Young Farmers Conference has gone live! Check out the brochure and register for the conference at our website

Conference highlights include:

Over 30 workshops at beginning and intermediate levels covering:

  • hands-on technical skills
  • livestock and vegetable farming
  • policy, community, and advocacy issues as they relate to young farmers
  • land access
  • business planning and marketing – and much more!

Workshops are led by farmers, educators, and advocates from all over the United States.

Keynote addresses by Wes Jackson of the Land Institute, and Fred Kirschenmann of Stone Barns Center and the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture.

Music, contra dancing, and the opportunity to meet other young and new farmers.

For conference questions, contact Nena Johnson 914 366 6200 x112 /

We hope to see you all there!

Nena Johnson
Public Programs Director
Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture
630 Bedford Road
Pocantico Hills, NY 10591
phone: 914.366.6200 x112
fax: 914.366.7905

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