New Farmer Profit Team Opportunity in New York

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Are you a beginning farmer in New York state who has been farming for at least three years? Is the farm business you manage at a crossroads, needing to improve efficiency, scale up, or make other major changes to achieve long-term viability? Do you need some decision support to improve profitability of the farm business after 3-9 years of running it? Farmers at this stage are often faced with critical decisions that determine the long-term viability of their operation.


You don’t need to face these decisions alone. You may be eligible to receive support for a New Farmer Profit Team. This initiative seeks to improve the long-term success of advanced beginning farmers by providing selected farmers with customized, one-on-one guidance from farm professionals (financial, production, legal, marketing, etc.) over an 18-mo to 2-year period. These New Farmer Profit Teams are modeled on Dairy Profit Teams, which have a track record of improving productivity, profitability, and efficiency of the participating farms.


If this sounds like it could be helpful, please read more about the program and apply by clicking here. The application deadline is September 15th, and in this second round, only about 12 farms will be chosen. A third round of applicants will be accepted in Spring 2016.


This project is a collaboration of the Cornell Small Farms Program, NY Farm Viability Institute, and NY FarmNet, made possible with funding from NYFVI and the USDA Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program (BFRDP). 


Have questions? 

Contact Project Coordinator Matt Weiss at 

607-255-9911 or 

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