New Urban Agriculture Journal – Open Access

New Open Access Urban Agriculture & Regional Food Systems Journal: SITOPOLIS

The newly launched journal SITOPOLIS is published by Baltzer Science Publishers, in co-operation with the RUAF (Resource Centers on Urban Agriculture and Food Security) Foundation and ACSESS (The Alliance of Crop, Soil and Environmental Science Societies in the USA. Lead Editor is Prof. Han Wiskerke of the Wageningen University. Several RUAF Foundation members and other well-known individuals in the field of urban food systems are members of the Editorial Board. SITOPOLIS is a multi-disciplinary, peer-reviewed and open access journal focussing on urban and peri-urban agriculture and systems of urban and regional food provisioning in developing, transition and advanced economies. SITOPOLIS welcomes contributions from a wide variety of discipliness. The journal publishes original research as well as critical reviews. For the call for contribution and more information, visit

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