Northern California chapter of the American Rainwater Catchment Systems Assn. next Monthly Meeting Nov. 9th

Subject – NorCal ARCSA Meeting – Monday, Nov 9th, Oakland

Please join the Northern California chapter of the American Rainwater
Catchment Systems Association (ARCSA)
at our monthly Monday
meeting for rainwater professionals (and those that want to be them). We allow time before and after the meeting for networking.

This month, our speakers are Charlene Burgi of Marin Municipal Water District, and Bruce Hallinan of Aussie Rain Tanks.

Date:            Monday, November 9, 20097pm – 9pm
Location:      City Slicker Farms Office
1625 16th St
Oakland, CA

RSVPs are requested.  Feel free to repost this invitation.

To Learn more about the Northern California supporters of ARCSA, please visit:

Speaker Information:

Charlene Burgi, MMWD
Charlene is a Water Conservation Specialist Supervisor for the Marin Municipal Water District.  She will present a report back from the National ARCSA meetings in Georgia and also focus on creative and inventive methods of capturing rainwater and ways of promoting this concept to the public.

Bruce Hallinan, Aussie Ran Tanks
Bruce will talk about the latest developments in rain harvesting products and programs in Australia, what water authorities have done to promote rain harvesting and the growth of rain tank manufacturers for the US residential market.

Aussie Rain Tanks LLC was established to bring state of the art design and functionali ty developed in drought stricken Australia to the United States. Our head office is in San Jose, California and we currently distribute to contractors, landscapers and  do-it-yourself homeowners within the San Francisco Bay Area. The residential rain tanks are produced by a variety of Australian and US manufacturers.

Aussie Rain Tanks LLC is owned by Bruce Hallinan, a dual Australian/US citizen, with over 20 years developing and marketing new consumer products.  He is proud to supply products that help reduce domestic water consumption, save precious drinking water, keep gardens green and even look good in your side or backyard.

4 Comments on Northern California chapter of the American Rainwater Catchment Systems Assn. next Monthly Meeting Nov. 9th

  1. Australia seems to be leading the way in rainwater harvesting where many territories already encourage citizens to harvest rainwater. What would it take for all stares in the USA to legalize the harvesting of rain water?

    I’ve never heard a good explanation as to why it is band in certain US states. Does anyone have any idea?

  2. Hi

    I would like to know how to report a property manager who is wasting 2’000,000, yes, two million gallons of irrigation water per year . The complex he manages is only 19 commercial condos and the garden area is really small. Thanks


  3. I’ve read some articles over this topic and saw that USA is confronting with water crisis also. Water harvesting will be the best way to manage the problem and save money on irrigation.

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