Northwest Organic Food Safety Summit

NW Organic Farm Food Safety Summit

Oregon Tilth has teamed up with The Western Center for Risk Management Education at Washington State University, and other organizations to assemble some of the leading nationwide experts to host an educational Summit open to all NW growers. This event, which is the first of a two-part series, is designed to provide farmers with information about identifying and addressing food safety risks on the farm.

Oregon Tilth has teamed up with The Western Center for Risk Management Education at Washington State University, The Portland Farmers’ Market Association, Organically Grown Company, and other organizations to assemble some of the leading nationwide experts to host an educational Summit open to all NW growers. This event, which is the first of a two-part series, is designed to provide farmers with:

  • An update pending food safety regulations and industry mandates;
  • A forum for discussing and exploring issues and concerns pertaining to establishing an on farm food safety program; and
  • Specific information about identifying and addressing food safety risks on the farm.

The summitt will be held November 5, 2009 in Portland, OR at the Sheraton Portland Airport Hotel.

For more information regarding GAP’s and to register please visit the WSU Extension Website.

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