Organic Farming Conference in New Hampshire, 2013

Organic Farming Conference in New Hampshire, 2013 The Northeast Organic Farming Association (NOFA)-New Hampshire Winter Conference is this weekend, March 1st and 2nd, 2013. NOFA-NH and its members chose to focus on cultivating the resilience and health of New Hampshire’s local food system.  In that spirit, this year’s Winter Conference theme is “Resilience/Growing a Resilient Community.”

On March 1st, at 9am they are having a conversation inspired by the 2013 New England Sustainable Agriculture Working Group (NESAWG) conference entitled, “Revving Up Your Markets”.

The workshop will touch upon various local and regional aggregation projects (Red Tomato, Windam Farm and Food Network, etc.) and encourage discussion centered around developing successful projects in the state. The more folks they have involved in the conversation, the richer it will be!

If you’re interested in more information, go to Or email

1 Comment on Organic Farming Conference in New Hampshire, 2013

  1. I live and have my farm in Jamaica, West Indies, and am committed to organic methods, so any info generated here would be of interest to me, thanks

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