Recommended Articles & Blogs: Lodgson, Colbert, Soy Disease

Selling a Book That Has No Name: Holy Shit (The Contrary Farmer)

By Gene Lodgson

Excerpt:” Prairie Public Radio interviewed me recently about my latest book, Holy Shit. The interviewer was kind about my writing. He knew a lot about farming which is rarely the case but always a relief when discussing agriculture before an urban audience. The only problem was that he did not mention the title of the book during the entire interview! He said that he would get fired if he did. Regulations forbid the utterance of that awful word, shit, even when it is in the title of a book.”

Read the full article HERE

I Swear to tell the Truthiness –  Colbert to Congress: What would Jesus do about migrant farm workers? (Grist Video)

by Bonnie Azab Powell

Excerpt: “Kudos to Comedy Central host Stephen Colbert for spotlighting how schizophrenic Americans are when it comes to an unpopular issue — immigration — despite how these much-maligned migrant workers are the linchpin of America’s beloved cheap-food system.”

Read the full article and see the video HERE

New Virus Threatens Soybeans (DTN The Progressive Farmer)

By Dan Davidson

Excerpt: “The University of Arkansas and pathologist Yannis Tzanetakis announced this week a new soybean necrosis virus. In a press release Tzanetakis said “We have found the virus in soybean fields throughout Arkansas and other states.” Veinal symptoms begin to appear in mid-June and progresses to chlorosis and every leaf necros and death by the end of summer…”

To read the full article click HERE

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