Registration is now open for Taking Root: 5th National Farm to Cafeteria Conference in Detroit

Registration is now open for Taking Root: 5th National Farm to Cafeteria Conference
Detroit, MI, May 17 – 19, 2010

Farm to Cafeteria programs are TAKING ROOT in schools, hospitals, colleges, day care centers, and other institutions. Come to Detroit and learn about successful models across the country and how you can start and scale up a program in your community.

Register by March 26 to receive the early registration discount and reserve your seat for one of the exciting field trips or short courses.

Scholarships and Volunteer Positions
A limited number of scholarships and volunteer positions are available. Apply by March 19.

Poster Session
Share your innovative project or study with conference attendees during the poster session. Submit a proposal by March 19.

Exhibit Hall

Universities, non-profits, government agencies, and for-profit businesses are encouraged to feature themselves in our Exhibit Hall during the conference. Sign up for a table by April 23.

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  1. Farm to School – What’s happening in Alberta? « GFSA News

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