Seed Saving Workshop in Vermont

NOFA Vermont is excited to offer this workshop presented by Sylvia Davatz of Solstice Seeds in Norwich, VT. If you're a gardener looking for inspiration and knowledge to advance your seed saving skills, join Sylvia for an overview of issues of timing, plant spacing, pollination, isolation, plant populations, seed maturity, processing, record keeping, and storage of many regionally adapted crops. We'll also address the challenges of overwintering biennials and planning rotations. This workshop is geared for those with some experience with seed saving.

Space is limited to 20 participants; pre-registration is required. Rain Date: July 27, 2014, 1 – 3:30pm.

About the Presenter: Sylvia Davatz has been saving seeds for 18 years. She is a member of the Seed Savers Exchange and of the newly formed Grassroots Seed Network, and she offers seed through both. Her focus is on regionally adapted varieties, on experimenting with grains, season-extending crops, and on preserving rare or historically interesting varieties, all in support of a year-round local food supply.

About the Gardens: Sylvia’s home garden provides space for the preservation (in rotation) of more than 200 crop varieties in approximately 6000 sq. ft. of planting area. In addition to seed saving, space is devoted to growing a winter food supply, experimental plots of grains and upland rice, and trials of new varieties. Plantings include many perennials such as hardy kiwi, currants, gooseberries, raspberries, blueberries, fruit trees, American chestnut, hazelberts, and pawpaws.

Directions: To come: directions depend on the status of major road repair scheduled for the area this summer. We will contact workshop registrants with directions when they are available.

Parking: There is ample parking available at the top of and along the driveway.

Carpooling: If you’d like to carpool, we recommend using

To register, please visit, contact or call 802-434-4122.

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