Student Organic Farm Tour and Workshop Dates, Michigan

Workshop dates and topics are now set for the MSU Student Organic Farm.  Information is available at Workshop space is limited to 25 commercial farmers (those who are growing products for sale).

The tour dates are now set also.  Please see below for the dates and times of those.


All workshops run from 1-5pm at the MSU Horticulture Teaching and Research Center, 3291 College Rd; Holt, MI 48824.  Cost is $40/workshop or $125 for the series of 4 and is payable at the workshops

May 16   Hoophouse Structures and Warm Season Crops

June 27  Drip Irrigation for Hoophouse and Field Production

Aug 15   Marketing Options for Year-round Vegetables

Sept 12  Hoophouse Cropping Options for Winter Harvests

Register at under the <Workshop> tab or email


Tours are at the MSU Horticulture Teaching and Research Center
3291 College Rd
Holt, MI 48824
Tours are $3/adult, payable at the start of the tours.  Kids are free.

May 10,  3:30-5pm

June 22,  10:30am-12 (noon)

July 12,  6-8pm

August 23,  6-8pm

September 30,  12:30-2:30pm

December 5,  10-11am

February 7 (2012),  2:30-3:30pm

Register at under the <Workshop> then Tours tab or email

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