Summer NOFA Conference in Amherst, MA

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NOFA Summer Conference: Learning and fun – August 14-16, 2015  in Amherst, MA


2015 NOFA Summer Conference
Have a passion for organic farming, backyard gardening and food justice? Join us at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst on August 14-16, 2015 for a weekend of workshops and fun, strengthening and transforming the food system and our communities! This year’s theme is “Healing the Climate, Healing Ourselves: Regeneration through Microbiology.” 

A vibrant learning community

Choose from 144 workshops in eight 90-minute sessions. Our full schedule is online, with workshop listings by timeslot and category.

Workshops run from Friday afternoon to Sunday afternoon and cover a wide range of topics like nutrition, gardening, land access, crop production, cooperative economies, food politics, urban and international agriculture and much more.

Dig deep! Pre-conference intensives – Friday, August 14
  • Healing Your Body with the GAPS Nutritional Protocol (full day)
  • Creating Herbal Remedies for Digestive Wellness (half day)
  • Carbon Farming: Regenerative Agriculture for the Climate (half day)
  • Pastured Poultry: From Brooder to Bag (half day)
  • Becoming a Backyard Beekeeper (half day)
2015 keynote speakers are Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, medical doctor, nutritional consultant and developer of the GAPS Diet (Gut And Psychology Syndrome), and Ronnie Cummins, consumer activist and co-founder and International Director of the Organic Consumers Association (OCA).
Bring the kids
With conferences for children and teens, this family-friendly event has activities for all ages.

Logistics, lodging and registration

Budget friendly accommodations and registration options are offered, as are scholarships, work exchange opportunities, and discounts for groups of 5 or more.



Single day registrations, camping and dorms, organic meals and carpooling also available.



Learn more and register now!

Energizing fun & restorative downtime

The conference has opportunities for play, inquiry, and experimenting with new skills in and out of the classroom. 


Participants enjoy connecting with other likeminded people, live music, dance, films, games, exhibitors, and our country fair.


Hope to see you in August!


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