Sustainable Agriculture Internship in Washington State

Jefferson County FIELD is an on-farm based internship program in sustainable agriculture located on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State.

This collaborative educational program was developed by Jefferson County farmers and Washington State University (WSU) Extension and provides interns the opportunity to study sustainable agricultural enterprises and community-based production systems at several diverse farms in the Port Townsend area.  Interns are provided formal instruction, field-based application of information, and involvement in projects on farms that produce and market vegetables, fruit, field crops, and livestock. Opportunities to observe and engage in different production, business, and marketing approaches are provided through activities at the different farms throughout the season.

Throughout the FIELD program, student interns may earn either Continuing Education Units (CEU) or University credit from WSU. CEUs are appropriate for interns who are not or do not expect to enroll in a degree program while university credit may be desired by students who are enrolled in a degree program.  It is the responsibility of each intern to determine if said credits are transferrable to their home institution.  All interns who successfully complete the FIELD program will earn a Certificate of Sustainable Agriculture.

For programs consisting of CEUs, each intern will pay $100 per 3 months. A limited number of scholarships to help defray the cost may be available. Additional tuition is needed for academic credit, and tuition payment is the responsibility of the intern. For more information about potential scholarship support and how to earn academic credit, contact John Bellow at Potential interns should also inquire about potential financial support through their respective institution. Interns are required to provide their own health insurance coverage.

Student interns who have completed an undergraduate degree or are in a graduate program are preferred. Well-qualified undergraduates will be considered. For interns to get the maximum benefit, they should plan to participate in the FIELD program for the entire planting/growing/harvesting season if students’ schedules permit (Mid-March through November). The minimum length of participation is 3 months.

To apply for the FIELD program, contact the farmer you are interested in having as your primary mentor and fill out and submit the application.

4 Comments on Sustainable Agriculture Internship in Washington State

  1. Nicholas Chindalo // September 24, 2010 at 9:02 pm // Reply

    I am a zambian citizen pursuing a masters degree in agronomy in St. Petersburg, Russia. I am interested in doing internship for the period of atleast 10 to 12 months on a crop farm.
    Are foreigners allowed to apply for internship programs under your organisation or its only for american citizens?

  2. I am a Nepali women of 29 years old. I am just completing my master degree in organic agriculture. I want to do internship for about 6 months to create better opportunities before entering in the professional life. Is the internship allowed for the foreigner like me too?

    I would be curiously waiting to hear from you.

  3. Hi John,

    I am a recent graduate with graduate in Education with a concentration in science. I am very interested in Farm Education and would love to do an internship to learn the ins and outs of farming and agricultural. I am very passionate about teaching children the importance to sustainable living and I think farming is a big step in this process. I am wondering how I could get connected to a farm for an internship this summer.

    Thank you for your help,

    Anna Haveman

    • Anna, you need to look at the post again and use the contact information that’s there. I just put these announcements up when people send them to me. I don’t make the connections, and I don’t hire anyone. Sorry.

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