Seminar: Unlocking the Secrets of Soils and Foliars; Feb. 2-3, 2011

An all-inclusive growing program utilizing Texas Plant and Soil Lab’s ASK THE PLANT® method featuring: Bryan L. Unruh, Ph.D. BioTech Ventures; Thomas L. Harr, Earthwise Organics; Noel Garcia, Texas Plant and Soil Lab; Wayne Tucker, Bio-S.I. Technology; and others...

Presenting in-depth discussions of K. Chandler’s approach to maximizing your plants’ full genetic potential and why You Can’t Afford Not To Know®.

A two-day symposium for growers, farm managers, owners, consultants, golf course superintendents, turf managers, landscapers, lawn care professionals, nurseries, farm supply personnel, farm chemical and fertilizer company salesmen and all who can benefit from more efficient inputs. Learn how to improve your soils’ health by building the organic matter and nutrient reserves to maximize your plants’ full genetic potential and attain Maximum Economic Yields using the Best Management Practices.

Presenters will provide general and technical information, current research data and practical applications for each of the following key topics:

* Soil and Plant nutrient assessment tools: Understanding that Soil fertility is not just N-P-K.

* Understanding TPSL®’s Natural (CO2) Soil Analysis and soil balancing.

* Foliar feeding: Using TPSL®’s exclusive Ask the Plant® Petiole Analysis.

* Micronutrients: Their role in maximizing yields and suppressing and remediating diseases and insect pressures.

* Water Management: Essentials of Water Analysis and its components to maximize efficiency of soil and foliar applications – and the avoidance of myriad dramatic problems due to bad water quality.

* Compost and Compost Teas: Their rôles in a sustainable farming operation.

* Often ignored but essential ingredients for productive and disease / insect resistant soils and plants: How to increase fertilizer efficiency by using Soil Inoculants, Humic and Fulvic Acids, Sugars, Hormones, Surfactants, etc.

A major focus will be on plant analysis (TPSL®’s exclusive Ask the Plant® Method – pioneered by us) for monitoring the supply of nutrients as the plants’ needs change throughout the growing season. (Plants eat and drink every day.)

Foliar Sprays offer tremendous opportunities to increase yields if they are applied at the right time, right form, right place and right conditions when combined with proper soil nutritional care. This explains why foliar sprays must be a part of a Complete Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition Program.

Soil Biology is essential for “pre-digesting” soil nutrients for root uptake – but you’ll find out about a lot of other things biology does – soil tillage, disease suppression and remediation – and more. Learn about the proper care and feeding of your soil biology.

Investment: $350 for both days – register with payment by January 15th, 2011 to reserve your seat. ($400 after January 15th)

Family Members: $250 each if paid by Jan. 15th or $300 after.

For more information, call Norma at 956-383-0739 or contact us.

The Seminar includes additional, updated and expanded subjects contained in the book, Ask the Plant by Esper K. Chandler and Charles Walters available from ACRES U.S.A..


– General Information –

(Specific program details, other speakers and schedules will be updated as they emerge.)

Location: Casa De Palmas Renaissance McAllen Hotel – McAllen, Texas. See Registration Form for details.

Meeting Room: Royal Palm III.

Preliminary Schedule – to be updated:

Day 1 – Wednesday, February 2, 2011 –

7:30 a.m. – Registration and course package pick-up.

8:00 a.m. – Session begins. Coffee, juice, water and light snacks available.

Noon – Luncheon in the hotel.

1:00 p.m. – Session resumes.

2:30 p.m. – Break. Coffee, tea, water and cookies / brownies available.

5:30 p.m. – Session concludes.

Supper away from the hotel – Bar-B-Q location to be determined shortly before the Seminar begins – depends upon the weather.

Day 2 – Thursday, February 3, 2011 –

7:30 a.m. – Registration and course package pick-up.

8:00 a.m. – Session begins. Coffee, juice, water and light snacks available.

Noon – Luncheon in the hotel.

1:00 p.m. – Session resumes.

2:00 p.m. – Break. Coffee, tea, water and cookies / brownies available.

5:30 p.m. – Seminar concludes.


Friday, February 4 through Saturday, February 5: SUSTAINABLE AGRONOMIC EDUCATION ASSOCIATION – RIO GRANDE VALLEY 10th Annual Conference featuring local food production follows at the same hotel!

Make plans to attend the TWO EVENTS WITH ONE TRIP!

See for details.


Casa De Palmas Renaissance McAllen Hotel

101 North Main Street

McAllen, Texas 78501

Telephone: 956-631-1101

Fax: 956-631-7934

Constructed during The Great War (World War One), the Casa De Palmas is one of the few historic “Grand Old Hotels” in the Rio Grande Valley.

This year, we wanted to offer you pleasant surroundings with excellent rooms, fare and meeting facilities at very reasonable Seminar special prices. Please go to the Casa De Palmas website

for a full description.


Please go to for more information and to optionally secure your room.

This is a special website for this event!

Check In: Tuesday, February 1 – after Noon.

Check Out: Thursday, February 3

(unless you are attending the Sustainable Agronomic Education Association 10TH Annual Conference featuring Local Food Production beginning the next day at the same facility – please see for details).

Special Rate: $65.00 (plus fees and taxes) per night.

Specify King or Double Beds.

Preliminary Fare: Snacks, lunch and non-alcoholic drinks are included at the hotel Wednesday and through 2 p.m. Thursday.

Bar-B-Q supper on Wednesday, location depends upon the weather.


Make your reservation early!

Please book your room directly with Casa De Palmas and mention the

Texas Plant & Soil Lab Seminar to receive the Special Rate.

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