USDA Requests Federal-State Marketing Improvement Program Applications

From the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition (NSAC)

On Friday, December 23, USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) issued a request for applications for FY2011 funding for the Federal-State Marketing Improvement Program (FSMIP). Congress has yet to appropriate FY2011 funding for FSMIP.  AMS program staff, however, decided to issue the notice prior to securing the funding to allow applicants time to leverage funding and submit applications and to give AMS time to process applications within FY2011.  Proposals should benefit multiple producers or agribusinesses and multi-state proposals are eligible for funding. FSMIP proposals will be accepted through February 17, 2011.   A Guide for FSMIP Applicants is posted on the FSMIP website.

Read the full NSAC Post HERE

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