Young Farmers Events in New York State

September 2012 is an exciting month for the Growing Farmers Initiative at Stone Barns Center in New York State. Please see below for more information about upcoming opportunities and workshops: National Young Farmers Conference; Winter Greenhouse Planning; NRCS High Tunnel Cost-Share Program; and Pollinators on the Farmscape... Scholarships: National Young Farmers Conference On December 12-14, over 250 young farmers from across the United States will gather at Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture to learn from agricultural luminaries, peers, and advocacy organizations at the National Young Farmers Conference: Reviving the Culture of Agriculture.

The Growing Farmers Initiative is offering a limited number of scholarships for the 5th Annual Young Farmers Conference. For consideration, applications must be submitted by September 15, 2012. Click here to apply.

Winter Greenhouse Planning

Saturday, September 15, 2012     10:00AM—12:00PM

On Saturday, September 15, learn ways to produce food year round with high diversity and efficiency.  Jack Algiere, Vegetable Farm Manager at Stone Barns, willlead the group in discussing greenhouse systems and their role in season extension and winter production, as well as laying out strategies for timing and value. This will be a hands on class in the greenhouse and will be covering records, planning, soil preparation, seeding techniques and cold season greenhouse health and maintenance. Click here to register.

NRCS High Tunnel Cost-Share Program

Saturday, September 22, 2012     6:00PM—8:00PM

How to Apply for the USDA NRCS High Tunnel Cost-Share Program and other cost-share opportunitiesunder the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP)

This workshop will guide beginning farmers through a federal cost-share application process, the High Tunnel program. (This application process is also good for the Micro-Drip Irrigation program and other EQIP programs.)

The goal is to have workshop participants understand the entire application process, and be fully prepared to meet with their Farm Service Agency staff. The workshop covers all steps of the application process, including registering with the Farm Service Agency, confirming eligibility, and completing the full Natural Resources Conservation Service application and application packet. Workshop participants will also learn how to find out more about receiving technical assistance from NRCS staff in their region.

This workshop is for beginning and other farmers who own or lease land for their own farm operation. If you are considering starting a farm enterprise, you might be interested in attending this workshop for informational purposes, but will not currently qualify for the program. Click here to register.

Pollinators on the Farmscape

Saturday, September 29, 2012     1:00PM—3:00PM

Join Laura Perkins, Stone Barn Center’s Gardener, for a walking workshop focused on pollinators.

In addition to discussing how to encourage the presence of pollinators, Laura will cover different types of pollinators, their preferred habitats, food sources (floral and otherwise), services they provide, management strategies, and considerations with regard to public and employee safety and comfort.

Workshop participants will be walking around the farm; comfortable shoes and sun protection (hats, sunblock, etc.) are highly recommended. Click here to register.

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