Youth Garden Project Internship in Utah

Youth Garden ProjectINTERNSHIP DESCRIPTION: The Youth Garden Project in Moab, Utah is looking for an individual that is interested in working as an educator in a hands-on, outdoor setting within our youth programs. These programs include our Summer Camp Program, Garden Classroom and After School programs, Middle School Class, and occasional work with various high school classes and the Moab Charter School Kindergarten class. The primary role of the Program Instructor Intern is to work cohesively with 2 additional Program Interns and the Program Director to facilitate, plan, and develop YGP’s youth programs. Interns will have the opportunity to work with YGP beyond its programs, particularly with our fundraisers and some in the garden in the fall. POSITION REQUIREMENTS: Intern must be responsible; reliable; capable of self-directed work; have good management, personal, and organizational skills; enthusiasm, and an interest in experiential education. Intern should be a strong team player with a positive attitude, strong communication skills, and a problem solver who is flexible and able to improvise. Intern must have an open mind and willingness to be involved with the Youth Garden Project beyond its programs and work either in the garden or at special events. Experience in teaching/managing children or a background in education is required. Applicants with a valid driver’s license and clean driving record preferred. Applicants must be 21 years or older.

local food grants


  • ·         Each intern will receive a stipend of $250/month. First and last month’s stipend will be pro-rated based on days worked.
  • ·         The Youth Garden Project will provide housing. Interns may move in the weekend before the internship begins, and move out by theMonday following the close of the internship. Any extended stay beyond these times must be approved by the Associate Director.
  • ·         Interns will be given a designated space to garden to use as a supplemental food supply and learning experience. The Youth Garden Project will provide seeds, starts, tools, irrigation, etc.
  • ·         When YGP is in peak harvest season, interns will receive a box of produce for the household each week.


Please e-mail a brief cover letter and an attached resume with three professional references to Julie Zender Application open until filled.

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