Agricultural Justice Workshop for Farmers, New York

NEWS RELEASE Contact: Joanna Green, 607-277-0180, Groundswell to Host “Agricultural Justice” Workshop for Farmers The Groundswell Center for Local Food & Farming will host “Agricultural Justice and Your Farm,” a workshop for farmers and farm employees on improving labor policies and employer-employee relationships on the farm. Led by Elizabeth Henderson, organic farmer and co-founder of the Agricultural Justice Project, this workshop will help you learn how you can improve working relationships on your farm with employee policies that go beyond legal requirements to agreements that are negotiated and fair. The Agricultural Justice Project seeks to create a market for "Domestic Fair Trade". During the workshop, farmers will be introduced to the pilot phase of the new “Food Justice Pledge” and “Food Justice Certified” programs, designed to provide market recognition of farms with just working conditions and prices that cover full production costs. All kinds of farmers are encouraged to participate- organic, “conventional” and otherwise.

The workshop will be held at EcoVillage FROG Common House, Rachel Carson Way, Ithaca, NY, from 5-8 p.m. on October 26th. Bring a dish to pass for potluck supper. $5 suggested donation. Childcare is available; call 607-277-0180 no later than October 23 to request childcare.

The workshop is co-sponsored by the Groundswell Center, Agricultural Justice Project, NOFA-NY, the Cornell Farmworker Program, and the Cornell Small Farms Program. To register, visit the NOFA-NY online registration page or send an email to

The Groundswell Center for Local Food & Farming is an initiative of the EcoVillage Center for Sustainability Education/Center for Transformative Action.  Support for Groundswell comes from individuals and businesses who believe in the importance of strong local food systems, and from the Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program of the National Institute for Food and Agriculture-USDA, Grant #2010-49400-21799. Visit to learn more.

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