Agriculture Takes Big Cut Big in House Appropriations Bill

The FY 2011 bill for agriculture included the removal of all congressional earmark funding, a fairly sizable number of rescissions of funding left over from previous fiscal years

Agriculture Takes Big Cut Big in House Appropriations Bill

On Wednesday, May 11, House Republican appropriations leaders outlined their plans for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2012 government funding bills, with a goal to scale back funding by a net of $30 billion relative to FY 2011 (and $122 billion relative to the Administration’s requested levels).  The Department of Defense appropriation would shoot up $17 billion, thus making the cutbacks for everything else funded by the appropriations bills total $47 billion.

Agriculture has been asked to come up with a $2.7 billion or 13.4 percent cut, on top of the $3 billion or 14 percent cut included in the final FY 2011 bill. The FY 2011 bill for agriculture included the removal of all congressional earmark funding, a fairly sizable number of rescissions of funding left over from previous fiscal years, and the termination of several programs that had long been on the potential budget chopping block. Read more…


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