Apprenticeship Opportunity at Live Earth Organic Farm, California

Organic Farm Apprenticeship on Live Earth Farm

Interested in preparing yourself for a career in farming on the Central Coast?

Live Earth Farm established in 1996 is a 100 acre organic farm overlooking the Green Valley in the Santa Cruz area of California.  We offer a year round CSA with over 800 members during the regular season.  Our Environmental Education programs include 1-2 apprenticeships per year, from January through November.  Our apprentices work on all aspects of our farm, including animal care.  You will be exposed to all of the following areas of farm operation in the first year and be expected to gain expertise and take responsibility for at least one area if you stay on for second year.
•    Farm equipment and machinery use in the field,
o    First Year- general practical hands-on experience including: mowing and hauling,
o    Second Year- Specialized field experience including: disking, cultivation, and sewing;
•    Field production techniques including: large scale, garden scale and year round production;
•    Crop planning for four season production cycle including: fertility management, pest and disease control, planting techniques, perennial and orchard management, annual cropping systems;
•    Harvest and post harvest operations including: propagation, greenhouse management, storage, packing, and distribution;
•    Marketing including CSA, farmer’s markets and direct sales;
•    CSA and farm administration;
•    Animal care including: sheep, goats, chickens, and pigs; and
•    Sustainable Agriculture Education.

Prior experience is required and a desire to participate in all activities on the farm is a must.  This is an opportunity for those intending to pursue farming as a career path.  It is a learning experience, we expect you to arrive with a good work ethic and a positive attitude.  Please be aware that farming is hard work and we require a full season commitment, with the potential for a multi year experience.  We offer you an eye into the life of a farmer, and a solid knowledge base to pursue such interests.

We ask that you arrive on the farm in January.  This gives Farmer Tom an opportunity to work with you one on one before the busiest part of the season begins.  We ask that you stay through mid November so that you have a chance to participate in our full CSA season and to be honored at our end of harvest celebration.

An average of  40-45 hours per week.

A private room and communal kitchen, a stipend of $400-$750/month commensurate with experience and responsibility, and all of the fruit vegetables, eggs, and goat’s milk you could want.

Application Procedure:
To apply please fill out our application on our website and send a cover letter and resume to:
Jessica Ridgeway
PO Box 3490, Freedom, CA 95076

Jessica Ridgeway

Live Earth Farm
Discovery Program
Community Food Systems Education

3 Comments on Apprenticeship Opportunity at Live Earth Organic Farm, California

  1. lemaitre jacques // November 6, 2012 at 1:37 pm // Reply

    bonjour je voudrait me reconvertir dans une ferme bio jais fait beaucoup de culture étant jeune avec mon père je pence que sais l’avenir si vous avait des possibilité d’apprentissage merci d avance

  2. Hello. My name is David Andrews and I am extremely interested in the apprenticeship position for your farm in Freedom, CA. I am convinced that this opportunity will heal, educate, and above all impact my life in a positive way. if considered, I would like to stay on for 2 years. Please contact me by email or by phone @ 602-565-8171. Thank you

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