Assistant Farm Manager Job, Michigan

Assistant Farm Manager Job Available in Michigan for the 2012 season.Hand Sown Farm in Michigan

Where: Hand Sown Farm - 18451 W. Pleasant Lake Rd., Manchester, Michigan 48158

Contact: Megan DeLeeuw

Duration: May 1st - October 31st, 2012; Full time (average 40 hours/week)

Compensation: $300-$375 per week plus potential for gain share Application deadline: March 30th, 2012 Skills desired: Ability to do physical labor in various types of weather 6 days a week through out the season is a must! Prior experience working on a diversified vegetable farm is a plus! Our work is very much dependant on hand tools and physical ability. We don’t have a tractor and so rely on sharp hand tools and precise timing. Good communication skills and a positive attitude are a must. Candidate must enjoy farmers markets and interacting with customers. Carpentry experience a plus, as we will be working on several building projects though out the season. To learn more about the position, the farm, and how to apply click "read more"

Job Details: Serious candidates interested in starting or running their own small farm preferred. The Assistant Farm Manager will learn all aspects of running a small, intensive vegetable farm. The season will include a variety of work with greenhouse transplanting, bed preparation, field planting, weed control, pest identification and control, harvest, marketing, tool maintenance, hoop house construction and maintenance, record keeping, etc. Gradually responsibility increases as the season goes on. The Assistant Farm Manager will be assigned to individual projects as needed. Farmer will run at least one farm market stand per week on their own. Hours will vary, but can be expected to be an average of 40 hours each week depending on the time of year. No more than 50 hours per week.  At least one full day off will be set aside every week. There is a possibility of gain share depending on how the season goes.

About the Farm: Hand Sown Farm is a small-scale, intensive vegetable and fruit farm nestled on 10 acres within Sharon Township, MI.  Our focus is on building soil health and biodiversity on the farm while cultivating crops for sale. We seek to minimize our environmental impact and promote an affordable, human-scaled way of farming through utilizing efficient hand tools and pushing the limits of our season by using passive solar hoop houses.

We seek to grow food in a way that is healthy for the environment and the community. We’ve found the best way to do this is to implement simple technologies combined with old fashioned growing practices: use of natural organic matter for fertility, relying on simple hand tools that do not require fossil fuel, strategic and chemical-free pest management, encouraging biodiversity of life on the farm, and applying mulches and crop rotations, among other practices.

To Apply: Please send your resume and/or list of references to Megan DeLeeuw at Please provide a short statement of purpose and what you hope to accomplish in a season with us.

To learn more about us and the farm, check out our blog:

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