Beef Cattle School in Massachusetts

Beef Cattle School  – October 23, 2014; 8:30 am – 2:00 pm – Grafton, Massachusetts

Details and registration here

An all-day field school for beef cattle farmers, featuring guest speaker Dr. Robert Smith, a nationally recognized cattle vet who wrote much of the Beef Quality Assurance guidelines. Dr. Smith and the vet school crew will discuss how to be an educated buyer of feeder calves, how to judge when a steer is ready for market, and how management practices translate into meat quality. A hands-on component will cover animal handling and facilities, and vaccination, castration, and other animal health and management skills.

The workshop will be held at the Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine in Grafton, Mass. We will meet at the farm buildings on Nickerson Road – click here for a campus map (farm buildings and parking marked in red).

 Registration: $40 (primary registrant – additional guests $30/ea). Includes lunch and resources. Click here to register by Oct. 20.

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