Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Webinar

Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program

Introduction to the Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Webinar 
Presenters: Allison Goin, Consultant & Juli Obudzinski, NSAC
Tuesday, May 29th, 2018
1:00 – 2:15pm EST

Join us to learn more about the Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program. We’ll review a general overview of the program, application information, and implications of the upcoming Farm Bill re-authorization. Presented by Allison Goin, Strategic Development & Program Design Consultant; and Juli Obudzinski, Deputy Policy Director at National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition.

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New Entry, an initiative of Tufts University’s Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy and additional partners, works locally, regionally, and across the country to strengthen local food systems by supporting new farmers. The National Team works to create a resilient food system by providing professional development, capacity building, and network support to programs that train beginning farmers or those that work to promote their success through activities that mutually benefit agricultural producers and consumers of all socio-economic backgrounds.

Our National Programs include:

National Incubator Farm Training Initiative (NIFTI) – provides training, technical assistance, and a community of practice model to organizations that operate land-based beginning farmer training programs. 

The National Ag Apprenticeship Learning Network (AgALN) – convenes commercial farms and organizations coordinating apprenticeships across the country to build an active learning network, largely focused on formalizing a set of shared standards or best practices for meeting the learning goals of beginning farmers and ranchers in apprenticeships on commercial farms.

Community Food Projects (CFP) training and technical assistance – we provide support to CFP grantees and applicants on a wide range of issues related to community based food systems.

Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program (BFRDP) applicant assistance – we develop tools to support inexperienced BFRDP applicants learn more about the application process, and prepare themselves to submit successful applications.


You can find a whole bunch more resources from at

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