Beginning Farmers and Ranchers Development Program Stakeholder Workshop, 2012

Beginning Farmers and Ranchers Development Program Stakeholder Workshop to be held July 24, 2012; 3:00 until 4:30 pm EST The Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program (BFRDP) was authorized in Section 7405 of the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 (7 U.S.C. 3319). Section 7410 of the 2008 Food, Conservation, and Energy Act (Pub .L. No. 110-234) (the Farm Bill) amended Section 7405 of the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 thereby extending funding for BFRDP through FY 2012.  Furtherance of the program beyond FY 2012 depends on farm bill action.  While continuation of the program remains unknown, the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) is proceeding with a BFRDP workshop.  The purpose of this workshop is to obtain stakeholder feedback on the last three years of the program for use in the preparation of future Request for Application (RFA) should the program be continued. For more information about the workshop and how to log in click the "read more" button.

Participants are encouraged to use the FY 2012 RFA as a guide: More information about the program and recordings of previous stakeholder workshops are available at: BFRDP funds may not be used to purchase a farm, farm machinery or animals; for the planning, repair, rehabilitation, acquisition, or construction of a building or facility; to begin farming; or to set up Individual Development Accounts.

To take part in this webinar: Open your internet browser and go to Login is required to be connected to the webinar. Login ahead of time to ensure that your computer will work with USDA/NIFA system. Capacity is limited to 60 attendees only. In order to use the Adobe Connect system, your computer will need the following system requirements: Microsoft Windows XP Professional or Home Edition with Service Pack 2 or Windows Vista. Internet Explorer 6+, Netscape Navigator 8.1+, Mozilla Firefox 1.5.03+, Mac OS X v10.4+, or Safari 2.0+; Adobe Flash Player 10; Broadband connection, and cookies enabled in browser

Additional Information: Suresh Sureshwaran, 202-720-7536 or or Alexandra Wilson, 202-401-6950 or

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