Classes in Food Laws and Regulations

Classes in Food Laws and Regulations
Enroll now for Online Graduate Classes in Food Laws and Regulations from the Michigan State University Institute for Food Laws and Regulations
The Institute for Food Laws and Regulations (IFLR) at Michigan State University offers food law courses taught online by an international network of food science, academic, and legal professionals, who understand the complex nature of food laws and how they impact the flow of food and agricultural products across national boundaries.
January 2020 Course Offerings:
(Classes in Food Laws and Regulations begin January 6 and run through to May 1, 2020)

Tuition for non-Michigan residents, including international residents, is $3,021.00  USD per 3-credit course. Go to for details. Learn more about discounted rates if taking the course on a non-credit basis:

Time Commitment & Flexibility:
Students do not need to log on at a specific time to listen to a lecture; participate in weekly discussions and coursework at a time that fits your schedule. IFLR courses are graduate level, 3-credit hour courses. Students will typically spend 9-12 hours per week on lectures, readings and coursework. Most of our students are working food industry professionals, so faculty are understanding of outside commitments and the need for flexibility. Contact your professor ahead of time to request accommodation. Learn more about what to expect at

Enroll for Classes in Food Laws and Regulations Now

Learn how to earn a certificate in International or U.S. Food Law, after successful completion of 4 applicable courses. 


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