Farm Bill: What Does it Have to Do with Me?, Missouri Presentation

Missourians are invited to help find answers to the question “What Does the Farm Bill Have to Do With Me?” at a public forum Tuesday, May 3, 2011.

Federal legislation determining the nation’s farm and food priorities will be the focus of a panel discussion on “America’s Local Food Future”

America‘s Local Food Future

Tuesday, May 3, 6:30 p.m.

Launer Auditorium

Columbia College

901 Rogers Street, Columbia, MO 65216

Save Your Seat. RSVP at; or call 314-727-0600

Join national & local experts for a discussion of our food system, what it means to your budget, your health, & how to change it


·      Dave Andrews, Senior Representative for Food & Water Watch, and former Executive Director of the National Catholic Rural Life Conference

·      Brad Redlin, Agricultural Program Director with the Izaak Walton League and Montana farmer

·      Bill Heffernen, PhD., Emeritus, University of Missouri Dept. of Rural Sociology

·      Tim Gibbons, Political Director, Missouri Rural Crisis Center

Co-Sponsors – Izaak Walton League, Social Concerns Office Office-Diocese of Jefferson City, Missouri Association for Social Welfare, Missouri Coalition for the Environment, Missouri Rural Crisis Center, Slow Food KatyTrail, Sustain Mizzou, Main Street Opportunity Lab, Mid-Missouri Peaceworks, Missouri Association for Social Welfare

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