Farm Internships in Alaska for 2012 Season

Rosie Creek Farm LogoRosie Creek Farm in Alaska is seeking self-motivated and hard working individuals for summer 2012 season internships on their farm. The internship is intended for those seriously interested in pursuing farming as a profession and life. You will be working closely with the farmer and staff in all aspects of our operation from greenhouse to planting to harvesting and marketing. Prior farm experience and education in sustainable agriculture is preferred but not necessary. Their internship is from early-May through late September. Interns/apprentices will be involved in all aspects of the operation from greenhouse production to field planting to harvest and marketing and there will be an opportunity to take on a specific project of your interest as time allows and time is set aside weekly for informal classes, to work on individual projects and journals and to visit other farms. We are committed to teaching what we know as well as learning from your interests.

Rosie Creek Farm CrewAbout Rosie Creek Farm: They are a small family run farm committed to sustainable agriculture and organic methods, located about 15 miles from Fairbanks, Alaska along the Tanana River. They grow 3-4 acres of vegetables and cut flowers in the field and in several greenhouses and have an equal amount of land fallow to build soil properties. They have a community supported agriculture (CSA) program, sell at farmers markets, and wholesale to stores and restaurants in the Fairbanks and Denali Park area. They have several hives of honeybees and have chickens for eggs and meat. 2012 will be our 14th season. Rosie Creek Farm has also received research grants from the USDA’s Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program (SARE) and work closely with University of Alaska and USDA researchers on sustainable agriculture methods.

Housing is rustic, but comfortable and having a personal transportation is desirable but not necessary. Interns get 1 week off in the summer to explore Alaska. Otherwise work is oriented arounda 45 hour/week schedule. A monthly stipend is provided and all the veggies you can eat. If you are interested, please send a resume, 3 references, and a cover letter stating why you are interested in farming. Some questions to consider are: why farming?; why farming in Alaska?; how would you be an asset to the farm?; and what are your goals beyond any work there? If you need more information on Rosie Creek Farm or internships, please contact them at or check out the website at

Remember -the internship runs from early May through September which conflicts with most college schedules. Availability for the entire season is preferred.

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