Farm Management Internship, Maryland 2012

Maryland Our House Farm LLC is Offering a Farm Management Internship for the 2012 Season

Our House Farm is located 45 minutes north of Washington, D.C. in Brookeville, Maryland and grows organic fruits and vegetables on 3.5 acres of land owned by Our House, a residential youth home that serves young men ages 16-21. Our House Farm LLC and Our House work in partnership, but are separate legal entities.  Our House Farm employs around 8 Our House trainees per season, and up to four trainees work on the farm per day.

Our House Farm currently sells specialty crops and eggs at three weekly farmers’ markets, to local restaurants and a health food store, and offers a CSA.  We also maintain honeybee hives and will begin to produce year round in our new hoop house.  Sheep and goats are also located on the farm premises, but are not managed by the farm. Interns play a vital role in the organization, coordination, and management of the farm’s markets, retail sales, and CSA.

Responsibilities and tasks include: Supervising youth in garden – implementing essential job-readiness and life skills, communicating with counselors, therapists, and other key administrators at Our House; Garden management – Seed starting, planting, weeding, irrigating, pest management, harvesting, post-harvesting sales and distribution, planning, and recordkeeping.

Applicants should have some previous experience in farming, gardening, and/or working with at-risk young people. Some administrative experience is preferred, but not required.

Internship positions are 40 hours per week. On-site housing is currently not available, but might become available in the spring free of charge.  Interns have access to produce and are welcome to eat meals with students and staff in the dormitory free of charge. Interns receive a bi-weekly stipend and 10 days paid vacation/ sick days. Public transportation to Washington, D.C. is available within 2.5 miles of the farm.

Farm Management Interns are compensated between $135 weekly, receive $150 towards professional development activities and receive an end of the season $1,000 bonus.  The farm subscribes to agricultural publications and participates in Chesapeake CRAFT, a regional farm training program with monthly farm tours.

Please forward resume and cover letter to Edwin Gould at and Marc Grossman at Call Marc Grossman at 202 412 5698 for more information concerning the internship.

3 Comments on Farm Management Internship, Maryland 2012

  1. Andrew Cy Mercadante // June 20, 2012 at 1:58 pm // Reply

    I am interested in the intership/apprenticeship program at your site. WIll you have housing available by fall of 2012?

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