Farmer to Farmer Marketing Intensive

Farmer Marketing
Routes to Farm Farmer to Farmer Marketing Intensive
Tuesday, October 29th & Wednesday, October 30th, 2019 | $45 or $90*
Angelic Organics Lodge, 1936 Rockton Rd, Caledonia, IL 61011
Attend this 2-day Farmer to Farmer Marketing Intensive to improve your farm marketing strategies, learn how to reach new customers, and dig deep into your marketing questions – all in a small setting. Leave with practical next steps and ideas which you can put into place immediately! 

On Day One, Charlotte Smith of 3 Cow Marketing gets hands-on and shows you the strategies and tactics she has used to start and grow into a profitable farm. She’ll show you what is working and what is not in today’s modern marketing world.

During the workshop, you will learn: 

• How to identify ideal customers willing to pay your prices and value what you sell
• How to uncover the problem you solve for customers
• How to communicate a solution to your customer’s problems
• How to create content that your customers are asking for

You’ll walk away knowing how to create a 12–month plan that provides the foundation you need to start and grow a profitable farm. It doesn’t matter what you sell or if you’re just starting out. This plan and these steps are proven to work.

On Day Two, you’ll learn from expert farmers and individuals working within the sustainable agriculture field about modern day marketing practices you can use on your farm. Choose one Farmer to Farmer Marketing Intensive track to take from the three below:

Track 1: Bringing the Customer to the Farm

Track 2: Bringing the Farm to the Customer

Track 3: Thinking Bigger

*Registration for the Marketing Intensive is available for single days or both days. Space is limited. Veterans please email directly for scholarship information.

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