Farmhand Job in West Virginia

Farmhand Job in West Virginia

Farmhand Job in West Virginia on Big Wheeling Farm – 2021

Big Wheeling Farm is chasing an American dream: to use the buzzword, that dream is “food-sovereignty.” On the ground, we are building a farm that supplies full-diet, year-round provisions. Time to hire 2021 farm hands. Do you have these three things? 

  1. Chutzpah – a holy trio of ambition, spunk, and humor

  2. Your existing skill set

  3. Insatiable desire to learn and improve

Our dream requires a broad set of lifestyle and technical skills that fall generally into the term agrarian. Equitable food resists most every contemporary practice of the technological/industrial world. As such, independence in thought and action are not only encouraged but moreover essential for the function of this style of farm. In addition to these personal values, our farmers will be intensely coordinated and full of love and respect for one another. On our farm we will have strong and beautiful friendships that allow for rapport, laughter, and joy while maintaining a culture of critique. Nothing we do on this farm is or will very often be perfect, but the trick is en-couraging one another both gently and sternly to take the next necessary step. Encouraging means selflessly giving one another the courage to be tougher, smarter, more daring, more gentle, and more kind every day. 

Our farm fits inside a developing landscape of local food security visioned by the non-profit Grow Ohio Valley. We coordinate with the urban production, sales and aggregation, and education wings of the nonprofit to work on making high quality food the standard in our neighborhoods. Check our website “”  or your favorite social media page to see more about the organization. 

As it stands our farm divides into several categories: produce, animals, equipment, and infrastructure. In 2021 we anticipate adding grain production, cooking/preserving, and sales/distribution to this list of categories. Most likely you will start in vegetable production, but PLEASE apply for this position if you are intent on learning or practicing any, or all, of the other aspects of our farm. 

Employment at Big Wheeling Farm

We expect a determined and rigorous work culture enabled by a healthy lifestyle. We will do our best to provide kick-butt food and opportunity for rest in order to encourage your personal health and work rigor. 

The location of a farm is as important as the farm itself. You are coming to a farm in the bottom of a West Virginia holler. We’re not only building a farm, but also an immediate and neighborly community. We regard direct relationships of neighborly dependence as highly as we do our farm productivity. Please come with intent to be an excellent neighbor to the folks who know this land and call it home. 

Last: keep in mind that miracles in agriculture are small – take a well-timed rain shower for example. The majority of farm work is rote, repetitive, humbling, and far from glamorous. Next year, there will be baby animals born, hay baled, crops harvested, and so much knowledge and skill to acquire… but these shining moments require from us long periods of quiet, dedicated effort. This work, the practice of agriculture, will constitute the majority of your days. Do not expect the farm to accommodate modern standards of comfort and/or entertainment – if you can round the turn, the farm will reward you in incredible ways.  

Apply for the Farmhand Job in West Virginia

If this sounds like your style, call Matt at (260) 564-4361 or email


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