Farmland Access Bootcamp for Beginning Farmers

Farmland Access Bootcamp
Farmland Access Bootcamp for Beginning Farmers in Wisconsin
There is an upcoming Farmland Access Bootcamp scheduled for February 22nd at the MOSES Organic Unversity in La Crosse, WI. Scholarships are still available for beginning farmers (farming 10 years or less) who are actively searching or just beginning to look for land. Can you help spread the word with farmers in your networks?

February 22nd, 2018 from 10AM to 5:30PM om  La Crosse, WI

Registration fee – $80 with scholarship (full price = $180)


Fee includes breakfast, lunch, and course books. For more information, contact

Finding farmland to buy or lease can be an enormous stumbling block for new farmers.Knowing how to farm and having a foundational understanding of farm finances does not translate into a new farmer being able to find, afford and secure land.  Get a leg up on your search with help from this powerhouse team from Land for Good and Renewing the Countryside. Scholarships are available for experienced beginning farmers (10 years or less experience) who are either actively looking for land or just beginning their search.

Eligible farmers will receive $100 off of the $180 Farmland Access Bootcamp registration fee, click here to apply!

Full registration and information at
These in-depth courses take place just before the MOSES Organic Farming Conference, allowing you to attend both. (Separate fees apply).

About Organic University:

Each full-day course includes a customized book with course content and additional resources. Books available only to the participants of that course.

Courses run 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Check-In opens at 8 a.m.
Breakfast available 8 – 10 a.m.

  2018 Pricing

Early Bird
(through 1/16)
(through 2/8)
(if available)
  Organic University (Thursday) $160 $180 $220

Fee includes course, book, breakfast, lunch, & snacks.


Learn more about Finding Land to Farm from at:

Find more production resources from at:

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