Food Safety Compliance Manager Job on New Jersey Farm

Job: Compliance Manager for Commercial Fruit & Vegetable Farm in Pittstown, New Jersey (Hunterdon County)

Peach Trees in Bloom This person will be responsible for helping to complete our farm’s comprehensive food safety plan and then to implement and enforce the procedures from the field harvesting to postharvest handling.  This person will also be responsible for implementing the state’s Worker Protection Standards as per required by the NJ Department of Environmental Protection. Other duties include but are not limited to: helping with the produce deliveries, assisting with the postharvest handling and organizing the produce after it has been packed. We are looking at a mid-May start date for this position. This is a seasonal job. The end date will be after harvest season which will be sometime in Oct. We are projecting about 20 hours until harvest is in full swing and then the hours will increase to @ 30-40 hours per week.


Must have excellent record keeping and organizational skills

Clean driving record

Be able to lift at least 50 lbs

Desired but not necessary:

Spanish as a second language

Experience in compliance or the wholesale food industry

Experience driving trucks/box trucks (CDL not required)

 Compensation: $13/hour. Housing is not available.


Please apply for the position by email and include a resume.

All emails can be addressed to Meredith.


Peaceful Valley Orchards

150 Pittstown Road

Pittstown, NJ 08867


Peaceful Valley Orchards is a commercial fruit and vegetable farm with two locations. We farm about 300 acres and are a mainly wholesale operation. We are also the home of America’s Grow-A-Row, a non-profit organization that supplies over a one million lbs of produce to those in need every year.



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