Forum: How Can Education Support Agriculture in Maine?

Morris Farm Community Forum - May 15, 2010; 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM

Wiscasset Primary School, adjoining The Morris Farm on Route 27, at Gardiner Road, Wiscasset

On May 15, 2010 The Morris Farm will host a free Community Forum, to help us learn:
  • What Maine’s leaders in agricultural education believe is needed to support the future of Maine agriculture
  • How we, in a wide variety of regional groups, can help build a future that is secure for farms and food.
Morning-session speakers will include Seth Bradstreet (Maine Commissioner of Ag), Marge Kilkelly (Ag policymaker, farmer, former Legislator), Russell Libby (Executive Director of MOFGA), John Piotti (Legislator, Executive Director of Maine Farmland Trust), John Rebar (Executive Director of U Maine Cooperative Extension), Stewart Smith (Professor of Sustainable Ag, UMO),and our moderator, Wendy Pieh (goat farmer, Legislator, House Chair of the Joint Standing Committee on Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry). Group discussions and collaboration will be the focus of the afternoon session, facilitated by several local folks involved in ag education, such as Jed Beach from Aldemere Farm, Karen Kleinkopf of FARMS, John D’Anieri of Maine Farm Enterprise School. PURPOSE: To host an important conversation amongst Maine’s leaders in agricultural education, and members of our communities, and representatives of educational and agricultural organizations, to learn, to connect and to brainstorm about ways we can support such education.


Folks from all corners of our communities:

  • Schools (K-12; vocational; community college; university);
  • Nonprofit organizations that focus on agriculture and education;
  • Farms (profit and nonprofit/educational);
  • Public programs (e.g., FSA, NRCS, University of Maine Cooperative Extension; Boy/Cub Scouts; Community Gardens, School Gardens);
  • Individuals with an interest in agriculture and education.


  • A better understanding of the current needs and directions in Ag Education;
  • New contacts with folks who share a common interest;
  • Ideas to pursue on our own and with other organizations.

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